Friday 12 February 2010


I was fortunate enough to be able to taste a couple of new products from the brilliant Unearthed range recently.

Tarte FlambéeBased on a traditional Alsatian baked snack, this was a smoky umami-filled delight.

Fresh from the oven the tarte was fabulous. A really deep smoky flavour that was offset by the crème fraîche. It was like a creamy, smoky, quiche lorraine but with no egg. Even cold the tarte was a tasty treat and barely lost any of its “fresh from the oven” quality. Definitely moreish; a delicate yet deeply savoury tarte.

My only minor quibble was that the tarte is very delicate and I found it quite difficult to transfer from the packet to baking tray without slightly ripping it.

Oh, and I want it to be much BIGGER!

Sweet Cherry Peppers with Ricotta These are addictive!

The peppers were far sweeter than expected, but the initial sweetness is quickly followed by chilli heat and then tempered with ricotta. The texture of the peppers was excellent with just enough resistance to easily bite: a perfect mouthful.

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